Tuesday, April 8, 2014



 Time out for Mom


Tuesday, April 8th/14
Fill in the Blank:  "I am Not My....."


Thank you Les at Time out for Mom for this inspiring topic today. After 62 years it can be hard to define myself. Who am I?

I am the daughter of two wonderful parents who will have been married 65 years next week. Even though they had their ups and downs while raising me I hope they feel they were successful.

I am a wife to an amazing man who does the cooking and the cleaning. He plans our trips and renovates our house. He is also the father of 3 children as well as the grandfather to 6. He is my dance partner and card playing buddy. (He even lets me win once in a while)

I am the mother of 2 girls and 1 boy who have married wonderful people. I am retired now and look forward to spending time with my grandchildren and hubby. I want to travel and see the world particularly from a cruise ship. I want many more years with my hubby of 41 years.

I am happy with who I am and with what I am doing. I hope you are too. Have a wonderful Tuesday and take life as it comes. Enjoy the moment.

Everyday Ruralty

Here are our questions for this week:

  1. What has kept you busy lately? Birthday parties and making the sweaters as gifts.
  2. Are you making or creating anything? Yes, knitting sweaters for Easter as well as making more baby blankets..
  3. What are you really hungry for right now? I just ate breakfast. It is my favourite meal of the day however the weather has not been conducive to BBQing so I would love a steak
  4. What song has stuck in your head lately? I have been spending time with my young grandson and he really likes “Row, row your boat”
  5. If I could celebrate my upcoming birthday with you, what would we do? I love tea parties so we would have a cup of tea, finger sandwiches and cupcakes.


  1. Handmade gifts are the best!!! HOPE the rest of your week is awesome!

  2. I think a steak sounds quite good right now. You must knit a lot!
