Friday, June 8, 2012



It's that time of the week again... time to share 5 things for Five Question Friday:

1. Did you do anything special for your kids on the last day of school? Or did you parents do anything special for you?

When I was graduating my parents gave me special jewellry.  For my grade 8 graduation I was given a watch and for graduating Grade 13 I was given an amethyst (my birthstone) ring which I still wear today.

2. What's your favourite summer tradition with your children?

In years past when my children were little it was a trip to my parents cottage. They also did a lot of summer day camps.

3. What was your favourite thing to do during the summer as a kid?

My mother was waiting for us on the last day of school with the car packed to take us to the cottage for the whole summer.  We came home for Canadian Exhibition and watched the Aqua Show on the waterfront.

4. How old were you when you were married? Were you a Bridezilla?

I was 21 years young.  Yes my mother would say I was.  I was the first daughter to get married and I had the traditional rituals including 5 bridal showers and a trousseau tea.

5. What is your favourite girl name? (I'm needing suggestions.)

My favourite girl’s name is Heather Anne.  I named  my oldest daughter by that name.

And now for some Four Fill In Fun!

1.       When I get five minutes to myself , I like to have a cup of tea, a book and a hot bubble bath

2.      I wish I was able to  spend more time with my grandchildren and have the strength to keep up with them.

3.       If the world is my oyster then I will have pearls of wisdom.

4.      My favourite meal of the day is breakfast.  I love to start the day of right.
